Thursday, September 18, 2014

Mother daughter love

A daughter is a wonderful blessing, A treasure from above. She's laughter, warmth and special charm, She's thoughtfulness and love.
A daughter brings a special joy, That comes from deep inside. And as she grows to adulthood, She fills your heart with pride.
With every year that passes, She's more special than before. Through every stage, though every age, You love her even more.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

A Guy's First Girlfriend.. Mother!

Every human being today cries over petty issues. I still remember my friends and I used to complain about the heavy bag we carried during our school days. What about mothers? They carry their child in their womb for nine months..
At the age of 5 a boy wishes for a car, at the age of 10 he craves for a Play Station, at the age of 15 he cries for a phone, at the age of 20 he wants a girlfriend, at 25 he desires for a job, at 30 he needs a wife and so on....
His need and wants keep changing as well as rising. In the process of finding happiness and self satisfaction he forgets the reason of his existence. Well but for a mother all that matters is a smile on her son's face.
In todays world, I've seen how mothers are being ill treated, this feels miserable.

Well I realised its not the same in every house.

My friend Shivraj told me what he feels about his mother. He says his mother is his first girl friend. He doesn't miss out to have lunch with his mom every day. That's really sweet, in case he does miss the lunch with her, he ensures that he has a dinner date with her.  His mother is the most important person to him. He loves his mother till the moon and back.
My friend Aniket loves his mother a lot. He believes that his mother is more like a friend to him. She's very loving and caring. She is very supportive. He means the world to her. The selfie with his mother below tells us about the lovely bond they both share. He believes a mother is the most understanding person on Earth and he will never let her down.


Parents' Love and Blessings

"Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother.."
"Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad."
Well our next Main Topic is on Parents' love. Every human being exists because of their parents. They are our first teachers, our first friends, our first guide and definitely our first love!

A small request to all those reading this blog
"Love your parents, we are so busy growing up we often forget that they are also getting old"


Friday, September 12, 2014

Conclusion of The Last Meeting


  • Discussed about the previous blogs posted regarding the improvement and matter required.
  • Decided the next four post titles for each member.
  • Shared ideas and views on the above topics.
              AGENDA                                                NOTES                                        TIME LIMIT
1. Next title decision                       4 different post titles were decided collectively       4 mins
                                                                for each member of the group  
2. Main features of selected            Discussed the content of the posts                          10 mins
3. Gather appropriate                      Decided to ask friends and classmates about 
      information                               their bond with their parents i.e our next                  5 mins
                                                                           Main Topic
4. Improvement of Blog                  Decided to add more pictures to make our blog      6 mins
                                                                        look more attractive
5. Next meeting                               Discussed and decided a date and time for our              
                                                         next meeting and thanked the members for
                                                                            their presence                                         5 mins
                                                                                                                                          30 mins

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Besties for life

Making millions of friends is not a miracle, but making that one friend who will stand by when millions are against you is a miracle!
Can two people of opposite gender be besties for life?
Well, I feel definitely they can! My friend Shivraj and his bestie Nikita have been friends for quite a long time. They are 'chuddi buddies' to be precise. They know each other from the day they were born as they were neighbours, they started their schooling together in Sharada Mandir School. In the 8th std though Nikita left school and joined The Rosary High School they were still in touch. They used to hang out together in the evenings and planned various outings with other mutual friends. They have grown together, they've shared the ups and downs they faced during the last two decades. They still discuss the problems and issues in their life. I believe, one of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. Though they've chosen two different streams in life they still continue to value their friendship and give it at least a little time from their busy schedules.
 " True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island... to find one real friend in a life time is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing! " - Baltasar Gracian

Important Notice for Members

Date: 11th September 2014
Time: 3:30 pm


Our next meeting to discuss our next post title for each member is scheduled on 12th September 2014 at Miramar Nescafe at 5:00pm.


  1. To decide the next title for each member.
  2. To discuss the main feature of every topic assigned.
  3. To exchange ideas and views on the four topics decided.
  4. To decide the content of every post.
  5. To collect and gather appropriate information regarding our topic from various sources.
  6. To take a collective decision to improve our blog.
  7. To decide the time and date for the next meeting.
  8. Vote of Thanks.
(Raashi Panvelkar)
Group Leader

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

True friend's love

Two friends Ashley and Mark planned an outing to a beach. They started the day by playing in the water.  After a while when they were tired, they came and sat on a bench and started chatting. A topic cropped up where they started arguing.  It so happened that Mark slapped Ashley in the face. Ashley was very depressed with this act of Mark and wrote in the sand that "Today my best friend slapped me in my face".  Then after resolving the matter they went again in the water.  By then the sea went rough and as Ashley couldn't swim he lost his control and started drowning.  Mark seeing his friend struggle risks his life to save his friend's life.  This time Ashley carves on a stone that "Today my best friend saved my life".  Mark asked him why he first wrote on the sand and now carved it on the stone.  To this Ashley replied saying when someone hurts us we must write it down in sand, where wind of forgiveness can erase it away but when someone does something good for us we must engrave it on stone where no wind can ever erase it.